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Custom Watercolor Pet Portrait

Custom Artwork

Have a custom original watercolor portrait painted of your pet! 

Custom Watercolor Pet Portrait

Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor Cocker Spaniel
Janice Nelson Designs custom watercolor cat portrait holiday gift
Janice Nelson Designs Custom Watercolor Dog Portrait Golden Retriever
Janice Nelson Custom Watercolor Dog Portrait Doxie Mix Chihuahua Dachshund
Janice Nelson Designs Custom Watercolor Black and White Dog
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor French Bulldog
Janice Nelson Designs custom watercolor cat portrait
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor Maltese Little White Dog
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor Italian Greyhound
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor Chihuahua
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor Dachshund Weiner Dog
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor Pomeranian
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor Scottie Dog Little Black Dog
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor Black Chihuahua
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor German Shepherd and Boxer with Angel Wings
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor Black Cocker Spaniel
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor Blonde Chihuahua
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Black Cocker Spaniel
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor Cocker Spaniel
Janice Nelson Designs custom watercolor cat portrait holiday gift
Janice Nelson Designs Custom Watercolor Dog Portrait Golden Retriever
Janice Nelson Custom Watercolor Dog Portrait Doxie Mix Chihuahua Dachshund
Janice Nelson Designs Custom Watercolor Black and White Dog
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor French Bulldog
Janice Nelson Designs custom watercolor cat portrait
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor Maltese Little White Dog
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor Italian Greyhound
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor Chihuahua
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor Dachshund Weiner Dog
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor Pomeranian
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor Scottie Dog Little Black Dog
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor Black Chihuahua
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor German Shepherd and Boxer with Angel Wings
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor Black Cocker Spaniel
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Watercolor Blonde Chihuahua
Janice Nelson Custom Dog Portrait Custom Pet Painting Custom Dog Black Cocker Spaniel

Custom Watercolor Pet Portrait

from $250.00

Let me paint an original one-of-a-kind watercolor portrait of your canine companion, or gift a friend or family member a painted portrait of their furry friend! I can paint a portrait of your cat or bird as well.

Simply place the order, and email me a clear, high-quality photo with good lighting of the pet you would like me to paint. If you cannot decide on a photo, send a few images my way and I will be more than happy to help guide you in choosing the best one to paint! Once the image has been selected, I will get started right away. Painting takes about 2 weeks. 


  • 8” x 10” or 9” x 12” ORIGINAL watercolor

  • Signed and dated by Janice

  • Protected in a sealed plastic sleeve

  • Securely packaged flat for safe transit

  • © Janice Nelson Designs


* Please note that this artwork is not for resale or commercial use


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-For information on our shipping and returns policies, please visit our Shipping & Returns page.

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